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In addition to our collection of research books and textbooks, the library also provides access to online databases and e-Books that can be accessed from any computer!

EBSCOhost is a great resource for research! Through our EBSCOhost subscription, you can access academic databases from a wide range of disciplines as well as our e-Book Collection. To find out more about EBSCOhost and the different databases, CLICK HERE

Email for password and login information.

NOVELNY (New York Online Virtual Electronic Library) is an online library of hundreds of magazines, newspapers, maps, charts, research and reference books that are available to every New Yorker, free of charge. All you need to access this resource is your public library card, New York driver license, or non-driver ID. To find out what databases NOVELNY offers and how to access them, CLICK HERE  

Email for password and login information.

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